Home Vision Framework Tutorial for iOS: Scanning Barcodes

Vision Framework Tutorial for iOS: Scanning Barcodes

In this Vision Framework tutorial, you’ll learn how to use your iPhone’s camera to scan QR codes and automatically open encoded URLs in Safari.

Published in Kodeco the New Raywenderlich.com

Using Swift 5, iOS 14, Xcode 12

Barcodes are everywhere: on products, in advertising, on movie tickets. In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to scan barcodes with your iPhone using the Vision Framework.

In this tutorial

You’ll work with Vision Framework APIs such as VNDetectBarcodesRequest, VNBarcodeObservation and VNBarcodeSymbology, as well as learn how to use AVCaptureSession to perform real-time image capture.

That’s not all! You’ll also become familiar with:

  • Using the **camera** as an input device.
  • Generating and evaluating an image **confidence score**.
  • Opening a web page in SFSafariViewController.

Learn more on Kodeco the New Raywenderlich.com

This post is licensed under CC BY 4.0 by the author.


Creating a Framework for iOS

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